Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 20th Party with the Scheffrahns

Ruth sitting with her cousins Asher and Caedmon sitting on Papa.

I feel like every time I sit down to write something else comes up. June 20th we had a party for quarterly birthdays with the Scheffrahns.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have been taking pictures

Above is a picture of the night time ritual where Daddy reads her a book in bed.

On Friday Ru and I went with her friend Sammy to the Cowgirl Museum.  They have part of the exhibit from the Fort Worth Museum while it is being renovated.  They had a pretend house with a light switch, phone, sink, doorbell.  They also had a little pretend grocery store.  They also had a little pretend car and train to sit in and steer.  Upstairs they had a fake horse they could sit on, a teepee they could crawl in and a place to make pretend camp stew.  It was a fun trip.

My Princess singing during lunch

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We are kind of boring around here

When I say that we are boring it means we are probably just hanging at the house.  These days are filled with laughter though.  Ru is so funny right now.  The other day we had the following conversation...
Ru: Can I take my baby to the car
Me: Sure honey
Ru: I am going to take her blanket too.  She(the baby) wants a bottle, but I am too tired.
She is also in a stage of making up words.  Yesterday she sang a whole song full of made up words while dancing in a circle by the slide.  One of her favorite thing to make up is names so we are always going to Bago's house or some other no name person.
  Today we went to my friend Misty's resale shop called Little Giggles.  I got Ru some cute things and I got some needed summer pajamas.  I also got a baby doll potty.  Ru has been telling me that her baby needs to go potty.  I am sooooo nervous about ending up with a baby soaked in potty water so I always discourage it.  This baby potty is just a little plastic toy one. Well Ru has loved it but after several babies went potty she said she needed to potty on it. While holding in the laughter I said, "No baby you are a big girl and so you go on the big potty this is just for your babies.

On a totally different note.  I tried putting oatmeal water in Ru's bath yesterday.  A friend of mine suggested it on her blog and said that it helped keep her kids skin soft.  I thought well I have some oatmeal so I will give it a try.  I didn't measure really I just dumped some oatmeal in a big pot and boiled it until it was milky colored then strained out the oatmeal and put the oatmeal water in the bath and added some water.  Ru's skin is so incredibly soft even today.  My friend said that for her infants she doesn't even use soap very often the oatmeal water is more of a gentle cleanser.  Well I have rambled enough for today.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Well yesterday Ru's friend Si came over to play on the swingset.  Today we are hanging out with Kyle, Brooke and Miss Chrissy.  It has been a busy week and Ru's mom is very tired but Ru is loving every minute of it.  She is my social girl.  Some of the things I love about my girl are...  I love when she say "I make you happy" when she gives me a hug.  I love it when she dances which looks a lot like skipping around in a circle.  I love that whenever she goes to sleep she has to give everyone in the room a hug, kiss and secret(I love you so much).  It makes me laugh when I ask for a kiss and she kisses her hand and tries to hand it to me.  It is so cute how she sings the ABCs and Jesus loves me together like it is one song.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Today it was more of the same. Aunt Beck and the kids came to celebrate the new swingset.  Ru was so excited to show off her new playset that she giggled out loud.  It was the cutest thing. Aunt Becky made special banana cream for Ru to celebrate.  Ru of course loved it.  Sugar came over in the afternoon to swing with Ru.  Sugar taught her that they could blow kisses while swinging next to each other and still holding on.  Family is a wonderful thing.  Ru also had her first little fall from her new swing but it was just a little lip cut.  I think that she is going to enjoy her new set a lot, but I also think she is going to learn a lot on it too.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Playset

Recently we got some inheritance money and we decided to get a playset for Ru. Today they put together our new playset.  It took 3 guys 8 hours to finish it.  Ru was so excited that she watched them out the window almost all day.  When they were done she played on it for over an hour.  Tomorrow her cousins are coming to play and Thursday her friend Si is coming over.  I think it was definitely a good investment.  Here are a few pictures. Honey also came by for a short visit and brought Ru her first temporary tattoo.