Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have been taking pictures

Above is a picture of the night time ritual where Daddy reads her a book in bed.

On Friday Ru and I went with her friend Sammy to the Cowgirl Museum.  They have part of the exhibit from the Fort Worth Museum while it is being renovated.  They had a pretend house with a light switch, phone, sink, doorbell.  They also had a little pretend grocery store.  They also had a little pretend car and train to sit in and steer.  Upstairs they had a fake horse they could sit on, a teepee they could crawl in and a place to make pretend camp stew.  It was a fun trip.

My Princess singing during lunch

1 comment:

  1. You are really doing a great job at this blog thing!! Keep it up girl.
    Chrissy ;-)
