Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We are kind of boring around here

When I say that we are boring it means we are probably just hanging at the house.  These days are filled with laughter though.  Ru is so funny right now.  The other day we had the following conversation...
Ru: Can I take my baby to the car
Me: Sure honey
Ru: I am going to take her blanket too.  She(the baby) wants a bottle, but I am too tired.
She is also in a stage of making up words.  Yesterday she sang a whole song full of made up words while dancing in a circle by the slide.  One of her favorite thing to make up is names so we are always going to Bago's house or some other no name person.
  Today we went to my friend Misty's resale shop called Little Giggles.  I got Ru some cute things and I got some needed summer pajamas.  I also got a baby doll potty.  Ru has been telling me that her baby needs to go potty.  I am sooooo nervous about ending up with a baby soaked in potty water so I always discourage it.  This baby potty is just a little plastic toy one. Well Ru has loved it but after several babies went potty she said she needed to potty on it. While holding in the laughter I said, "No baby you are a big girl and so you go on the big potty this is just for your babies.

On a totally different note.  I tried putting oatmeal water in Ru's bath yesterday.  A friend of mine suggested it on her blog and said that it helped keep her kids skin soft.  I thought well I have some oatmeal so I will give it a try.  I didn't measure really I just dumped some oatmeal in a big pot and boiled it until it was milky colored then strained out the oatmeal and put the oatmeal water in the bath and added some water.  Ru's skin is so incredibly soft even today.  My friend said that for her infants she doesn't even use soap very often the oatmeal water is more of a gentle cleanser.  Well I have rambled enough for today.


  1. hmm... i will have to try the oatmeal water! miss you and Ru

  2. welcome to the blogging world.
